Tuesday 8 April 2014


It doesn't happen too often, in the very visceral way it did this afternoon, but happen it undoubtedly did on this occasion. He was 13, maybe 14, getting on a bus at Brent Cross immediately in front of me. And I wanted him. Badly. If he'd been female, and two or three years older, my desire would, at worst, have seen me jokingly labelled as a 'dirty old man'. But because he was a boy, had I allowed my wanting to show, I would've been 'depraved', the lowest of the low. The encounter, brief as it was, left me feeling emotionally drained, even borderline depressed. It's a choice, of course. All the haters will tell you so.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Just maintain your self control!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      What, like I've been doing for decades, you mean? If we'd been in Spain, he would've been 'legal'. It's other people's attitudes and assumptions that can be even more difficult to cope with than the unrequited desire.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

    2. Hello Jay
      On reflection, what I wrote sounds as though I'm having a go at you, which I'm not - it's 'society' in general whose attitudes I find so hard to stomach at times.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

    3. I hear you, Sammy. I didn't take anything the wrong way. And, if I may say so, I came off as rather flippant myself. I'll be out of town Thursday thru Sunday, so I'll try to catch up when I get back.

      Peace <3
