Thursday 11 December 2014

The one?

On a bus, not very close to here, at lunchtime. Dressed as though having been (or going) to school. Not of legal age, but not too far off. 14, most likely. I looked, the look was returned. Then, a few stops later, it was time for me to get off. There were traffic lights just ahead of the stop, so the bus didn't move off immediately, because of the queue. I glanced up, towards the top deck. He was looking down at me. I looked away, looked back, and he was still looking. No sign of fright, of freaking out, of distaste. What was there? Curiosity? Interest? Then the lights changed, the bus went on its way, and the moment was gone. The answer to any question was almost certainly 'no', why would a reasonably cute guy of his age show the least interest in a fat middle aged bloke? But what about the 1%, that remote chance that, after all these years, he might have been the one? If he was, and I've missed my chance, all I would want to do is to tear my own throat out, and messily, slowly, bleed to death.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Stranger things have happened!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Well, I'll never know one way or the other, in any foreseeable circumstances - the encounter, if you can call it that, took place in a part of London I'd only ever been to once before, and have no reason to visit again, quite apart from the infinitesimal chances of accidentally tripping over him if I did. Another ghost, even if there was that faint chance that something more substantive might have been possible.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
